中文 English 江苏大学

国际英文期刊 Food Physics

期刊主页: www.keaipublishing.com/fphs
在线投稿: www.editorialmanager.com/foodp/default2.aspx
fpp 校内专职研究人员

姓      名: 段玉清
性      别:
职      称:教授,博导
联系电话: 138****6919
传      真: 0511-88780201
E  -  mail: dyq101@ujs.edu.cn


简       历:学习经历:
学术及社会兼职:国家自然科学基金项目网评专家,中国食品科技学会会员,江苏省生物化学学会会员, Food Chemistry,Food and Chemical Toxicology,Food & Function,Analytical Methods,《食品科学》等杂志审稿人。
本 科 生:食品营养学、功能食品导论、天然产物分离与纯化
指导博士生研究方向:1. 食品/农产品物理加工过程中营养组分的变化规律与健康效应的相关性研究
2. 农产品及其副产物的高值化关键技术研究
3. 药食同源物有效成分、生物活性及其分子机制研究
指导硕士生研究方向:1. 药食同源植物活性成分的绿色萃取新技术研究及功能评价
2. 农产品及其副产物的高附加值产品的开发与利用
3. 食品/农产品物理加工过程对营养组分的营养与安全特性研究


1. Plant protein-derived antioxidant peptides: Isolation, identification, mechanism of action and application in food systems: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020, 105: 308-322. (Top,1区, IF=11.077)

2. Recent advances in the extraction of bioactive compounds with subcritical water: A review [J]. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2020,95:183-195. (Top,1区,IF=11.077)

3. Latest developments in polyphenol recovery and purification from plant by-products: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2020,99 :375-388. (Top,1区,IF=11.077)

4. Comparison of characterization, antioxidant and immunological activities of three polysaccharides from Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020,235:115939. (Top,1区,IF=7.182)

5. Optimization, characterization, rheological study and immune activities of polysaccharide from Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 246:116595. (Top,1区,IF=7.182)

6. Preparation, characterization and bioactivity of polysaccharide fractions from Sagittaria sagittifolia L. [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers.2020,229: 115355. (Top,1区,IF=7.182)

7. Structure and functional properties of soy protein isolate-lentinan conjugates obtained in Maillard reaction by slit divergent ultrasonic assisted wet heating and the stability of oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chemistry, 2020, 331: 127374(Top,1区,IF=6.303)

8. Slit divergent ultrasound pretreatment assisted watermelon seed protein enzymolysis and the antioxidant activity of its hydrolysates in vitro and in vivo. Food Chemistry, 2020, 328: 127135. (Top,1区,IF=6.303)

9. Purification and identification of novel antioxidant peptides from watermelon seed protein hydrolysates and their cytoprotective effects on H2O2-induced oxidative stress.Food Chemistry, 2020, 327: 127059. (Top,1区,IF=6.303)

10. Structuralcharacterizationandphysicochemicalpropertiesofarrowheadresistant starch prepared by different methods. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020,157: 96-105 (1区,IF=4.784,高被引论文)

11. Advances in renewable plant-derived protein source: the structure, physicochemical properties affected by ultrasonication. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2019, 53: 83-98. (Top,1区,IF=7.279)

12. Effects of divergent ultrasound pretreatment on the structure of watermelon seed protein and the antioxidant activity of its hydrolysates. Food Chemistry.2019, 299: 125165. (Top,1,IF=5.399)

13. Subcritical water extraction, identification and antiproliferation ability on HepG2 of polyphenols from lotus seed epicarp. Industrial Crops and Products. 2019,129:472-479.(Top,1,IF=4.191)

14.  Effects of subcritical water extraction microenvironment on the structure and biological activities of polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 123: 1002-1011. (1区,IF=4.784)

15.Lotus seedpod proanthocyanidins protect against neurotoxicity after methyl-mercuric chloride injury. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019, 183: 109560. (1区,IF=4.527)

16.Effects of slit divergent ultrasound and enzymatic treatment on the structure and antioxidant activity of arrowhead protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 49: 294-302. (Top,1,区,IF=7.279)

17.Advances in ultrasound assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from cash crops-A review. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 48: 538-549. (Top 1区,IF=7.279)

18.Subcritical water extraction of polyphenolic compounds from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) bran and their biological activities, Food Chemistry. 2018, 262: 14-20. (Top,1区,IF=5.399)

19.Ultrasound assisted extraction of polyphenolic compounds from red sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) bran and their biological activities and polyphenolic compositions [J]. Industrial Crops and Products. 2018, 112: 296-304. (Top,1区,IF=4.191)

20.Structural elucidation and immunostimulatory activity of polysaccharide isolated by subcritical water extraction from Cordyceps militaris. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017,157:794-802 (Top,1区,IF=5.18)



  1. 国家重点研发计划项目-课题,食品高效传热传质加工技术研究与装备开发2. 

  2. 国家自然科学基金,亚临界水效应对多糖链构象转变的影响规律、机制及与免疫调节活性的关系研究

  3. 国家公益行业专项子项,中药安全性体外神经毒性早期评价方法研究

  4. 江苏省重点研发计划-重点项目,莲固体废弃物综合利用关键技术研究及其产品开发

  5. 企业委托项目,复合脂质对动脉粥样硬化的预防作用

  1. 国家自然科学基金,原花青素对氧化应激损伤的营养干预作用及分子机制

  2. 国家自然科学基金,表面分子印迹聚合物对原花青素的分离/富集行为及机理研究

  3. 国家自然科学基金,板栗壳原花青素诱导肿瘤细胞自噬性死亡及其机制研究

  4. 国家科技重大专项子课题,重大新药创制-早期成药性评价关键技术

  5. 国家博士后基金,基于分子印迹技术分离/富集EGCG及其性能研究

  6. 江苏省六大人才高峰,原花青素对脑氧化应激损伤的预防作用及其机制

  7. 江苏省高校青蓝工程中青年学术带头人项目,原花青素对HepG2细胞信号通路调控作用

  8. 江苏省高校自然科学基金,原花青素对黑色素瘤抑制作用及分子机制研究

  9. 扬州市科技计划项目,荷叶资源化综合利用关键技术研究及产品开发

  10. 江苏大学高级人才基金,莲原花青素对抗肿瘤作用及其分子机制研究

  11. 企业委托项目,双孢菇菇柄资源化利用与产品开发

  12. 指导国家级和江苏省、校级大学生创新训练项目数项。

  13. 企业委托,水果发酵产物提升面包风味的研究

  14. 企业委托项目,萝卜叶资源开发与利用

  15. 江苏大学教改重点项目,生物技术专业主干课程实验教学模式的探索与实践

  16. 江苏大学“842T工程”精品课程“食品科学与工程专业网络自学课程群的建设”

2. 2007年获教育部科技进步奖一等奖(参与)
3. 2008年获湖北省科技进步奖二等奖(参与)
4. 2008年获江苏大学教学大赛高级组二等奖(第一)
5. 2009年获江苏大学教学质量三等奖(第一)
  1. 一种亚临界水萃取高粱麸皮中二氢槲皮素的方法授权专利证书.授权号ZL201710605163.6

  2. 一种扫频式脉冲多频超声耦合亚临界水萃取的装备.授权号ZL201820274539.X

  3. 一种亚临界水提取米糠多糖的方法. 授权号ZL201110002219.1

  4. 一种莲固体废弃物中多酚类物质的亚临界水萃取剂和萃取方法. ZL2015101559 26.2

  5. 一种亚临界水同步萃取多糖和蛋白质的方法. 授权号ZL201410089141.5

  6. 一种膳食纤维的亚临界水萃取及其制备方法.授权号ZL201310562708.1

  7. 一种快速检测EGCG的电化学传感器的热聚合制备方法. 授权号ZL201210241543.3

  8. 一种快速检测EGCG的电化学传感器的电聚合制备方法.授权号ZL201210241545. 2

  9. 萝卜缨美容面膜粉及其制作方法.授权号ZL201310565233.1

  10. 一种萝卜缨系列配菜及其制作方法. 授权号ZL201310562826.2

  11. 一种萝卜缨营养咀嚼片及制备方法.授权号ZL 201310562728.9

  12. 一种原花青素泡腾片及其制作方法.ZL101401798

【已毕业硕、博士人数】 已毕业硕士研究生12名、博士生2名。
【已毕业本科生人数】 60余名.

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